Saturday, November 10, 2012

story of my life..
now that i've gotten here,
i forgot what i came here FOR..

well, let's see if this edited, shall we ?


  1. * CAN BE edited *
    it's important to have proper grammar and to spell correctly..
    the first impression that someone gets, is often more important than the content itself..
    especially in such a limited media.

  2. actually, that looks pretty good

    1. timestamps..
      and it looks like it can be threaded..
      this might be what i was looking for

    2. and i think i saw somewhere that there can be unlimited comments..
      *snicker* .. SUCKKKERRRRRSSSSssss..

  3. i'm trying to figure out how to use this,
    and some dude says on his page as a career goal, "i want to research mathematics"..

    let's see...
    2 + 2 = ..
    oh wait,
    someone already GOT that one..

  4. can't really seem to figure out how this thing works..
    so, i'm sticking this here..

    been angry lately..
    not sure why..
    other than, "i feel betrayed"
    i'm starting to get that crease that david soul and peter gallagher have in the middle of their foreheads..
    a few yrs ago, i got the feeling that my face was freezing in the position that i was using it..
    back then, i was able to adjust my face..
    now, i don't really give a shit.
    i know i'll start looking really old, really quickly..
    but i just don't give a fuck.

  5. great..
    can't figure out how to put this GOD DAMN SHIT on here..
    80 billion fucking "clubs" that i'm not a member of..
    i can't post on anyone else's blog.. and can barely get in my own..
    doesn't look good for continued use
